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Additional STAT™ Certification / Online Tutorial


Existing STAT™ customers may purchase additional online tutorial logins/viewings so that additional individuals within their organization may certify to use the STAT. Please choose the number of additional users who need to be certified to use the STAT under the "Quantity"box below. Each tutorial login is $200, and includes a printed manual that will be shipped to the customer. Shipping fee is included in the price. This "Additional STAT kit training/tutorial purchase" option is allowed to only those customers and organizations, who had purchased the STATTM kit previously. If you or your organization is not an existing STAT™ customer, please purchase the STAT™ Test Kit first.  


A maximum of 5 users may be certified per test kit. (Each kit ships with 1 user certification included.) Please make sure to add the names and email addresses of all new users below.